Here are a couple of examples of my poetry. You'll find more by following links on my books page.
"The Burning of the Houses"
You can read "The Burning of the Houses" as published in The Scotsman. This was taken from my pamphlet Flying into the Bear just after it had been published. If that link isn't working, you can try it on the Michael Marks shortlist page.
"The Lost"
You can read "The Lost" on the Modern Poetry in Translation website. This poem features different translations of Dante's Inferno mixed together. It was published here after being heard at a reading given by Italian and Italophile poets at the Poetry Parnassus festival at Southbank Centre in 2012. It was subsequently included in my pamphlet Flying into the Bear, and has previously been published in The Shuffle Anthology 2010-2011 and Adventures in Form (Penned in the Margins, 2012).
"The Bear of the Artist"
This is the first poem in Flying into the Bear. It was illustrated and turned into a poem comic by the very talented and award-winning comic artist Tom Humberstone.